Happy Birthday Yeshua Print
Written by Victoria Radin   

G-d’s calendar of sacred seasons reveals His divine plan for the redemption of the entire world. The annual cycle of the Feasts of the L-rd, as outlined in Leviticus 23, enables us to plug into a vast network of heavenly knowledge concerning prophetic events that were pre-ordained by G-d. G-d said that the Feasts were to be convocations, i.e. ‘rehearsals’. Each Feast was a Special Sabbath or Feast Day, which pointed to the future fulfillment of a major event in G-d’s plan for mankind. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) conception, birth, and circumcision are 3 of the many prophetic events to which the Feasts point.

While many Christians are aware that Yeshua was not really born on December 25, the majority believes that the actual date is a mystery. However, the New Testament records valuable information that makes the determination of both Yeshua’s and John the Baptist’s conception and birth understandable. E.W. Bullinger, in his Companion Bible notes, as well as the writings of a number of other Bible scholars, use the information from the Gospel of Luke to determine those dates.

Luke tells us that Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, was a priest serving in the Temple during the eighth course of the priesthood known as the course of Abijah (Luke 1:5 and 1 Chronicles 24:10). Each ‘course’ served two ministrations during the year (one week each) –– one ministration was calculated from the beginning of the Civil New Year in Tishrei (Sept/Oct) and the other was calculated from the beginning of the Religious New Year in Nisan (March/April). The course of Abijah served both in Kislev (Nov/Dec) and Sivan (May/June). Because G-d named Nisan as the first month of the Hebrew year (Exodus 12:2), Zacharias’ service, as reported in Luke (1:5), is calculated from Sivan.

When Zacharias finished his week of service in the Temple after having been told by the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:19) that his wife Elizabeth would give birth to a son, he made the journey home. This would place the conception of John (the Baptist) in early June, most certainly on Shavuot (Pentecost), a Special Sabbath (Leviticus 23:15-22). The priest Zechariah [meaning G-d remembers] was married to Elizabeth [meaning The Oath of G-d], together their names mean, "G-d remembers His Oath". 

Shavuot (a/k/a Pentecost) is the Festival that celebrates G-d’s visitation at Sinai when He empowered His people with His Law, and also His visitation in the upper room when He empowered His people with the Holy Spirit, G-d’s Law written on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33). Since Elizabeth was past childbearing years, the Holy Spirit had to "visit" her in order for her to become pregnant. Their son, John would be a ‘type of Elijah’, the forerunner of the Messiah (Luke 1:17) of whom Malachi spoke (Malachi 4:5-6). Also, G-d told Zechariah that the child "...will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born" (Luke 1:15). His conception would be on the same day that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit would occur in the upper room in the near future.

Since John was conceived on Shavuot, nine months later would bring his birth to March/April or the month of Nisan. There is a tradition on Passover that Elijah will come to announce the arrival of the Messiah. In fact, a place is set for him at every Passover table and during a certain time, the door is opened to welcome Elijah to the Seder. In keeping with G-d’s prophetic timing of all significant events, Passover points to the day of John’s (Yochanan's) birth on the night of 14 Nisan, the night of the full moon. If he was born on Passover (the 14th - Joshua 5:10), then he was circumcised on the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15-21) –– the eighth day, a Special Sabbath. Circumcision marks the day the child was named by the father. Zechariah named him Yochanan, the name given by the angel Gabriel from G-d, meaning "G-d is gracious".

“He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations…” (Genesis 17:12a) [Circumcision was a sign of having a blood covenant with G-d]

Luke tells us that Elizabeth was in the sixth month of pregnancy when the angel Gabriel visited Mary (1:24-26). That would bring the conception of Yeshua to a date during the month of Kislev (Nov/Dec). Since this was certainly a major prophetic event, Chanukah on Kislev 24 (the Festival of Lights) points to Yeshua’s conception. Yeshua said that he was the Light of the World. All of the traditions of Chanukah point to the presence of the Holy Spirit of G-d filling the ‘Temple’ with Light. The prophet Haggai foresaw (2:9) that the glory of the Temple that had been rebuilt after the Jews returned from Babylonian exile would be greater than the glory of Solomon’s Temple. This was because Yeshua would visit the rebuilt Temple–– being G-d’s very presence.

Finally, if Yeshua was conceived on Chanukah, his birth would have been in the month of Tishrei, nine months later. The Festival of Sukkot (Tishrei 15), a/k/a the Feast of Tabernacles, clearly points to Yeshua’s birth on the brightest night of the month (the 15th is always a full moon).

• It was said of Yeshua that He ‘tabernacled’ amongst us (John 1:14). The word ‘tabernacled’ is translated ‘dwelt’ in some versions of the Bible.

• The temporary shelters that are built by each Jewish family during this Festival symbolize that G-d dwells among His people, recalling their ancestor’s 40 years of wilderness wanderings when G-d dwelt among them; Yeshua was called Emanuel, G-d with Us.

• It is the season of the Enthronement of Yahweh; Yeshua was called the King of the Jews at His birth (Matthew 2:2).

• Sukkot is an 8-day Festival. Both the first and last days are Special Sabbaths. Yeshua’s birth on the first day of the Feast would mean He was circumcised on the last or eighth day, a Special Sabbath (Leviticus 23:36b).

This festival has always marked a new phase in the history of the nation of Israel–– when G-d tabernacled among them in the wilderness, when Yeshua tabernacled among them, and when He will tabernacle with them again during the Sabbath Day of Rest. This Feast has a unique connection to the Gentiles in that Solomon (1 Kings 8) instituted the tradition of sacrificing 70 bullocks to make atonement for the 70 nations of the world as outlined in Genesis 10. The Priest would walk around the altar once each day and then on the last day, 7 times as was done during the 7-day battle of Jericho. They would pray for the walls of division between Jew and Gentile to come down, saying prayers for the nations of the world to acknowledge and worship the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Rabbi Chaim Richman states:

“Of all the sacred seasons... the festival of Tabernacles has the strongest implications for the nations of the world. Even today, vast numbers of Gentiles identify with the holiday of Sukkot, and converge on Jerusalem just to be in the holy city at this time of year. It is as if their heartstrings are pulled by some invisible magnet, the source of which they know not.”

Both John the Baptist and Yeshua were conceived, born, and circumcised and named on Festivals and Special Sabbaths established by G-d to prepare His people for special, significant, prophetic events. Zechariah (14:16) tells us that all nations will be required to celebrate Sukkot during the Millennial reign of the Messiah. Then we will all say, “Happy Birthday, Yeshua.”

Barukh HaShem (Blessed is the Name)