Leo Roosipuu - Modern Day Jeremiah 2011 Print
Written by Leo Roosipuu   

January 12, 2011––The days ahead are going to be the most frightful days that are coming to this earth. The Lord is going to purify and bring His true church through the fire, purified and refined as pure gold. The Lord is going to guide all His true followers through this time and bring them safely to the glory. In the days ahead, the Lord is going to reveal more specifically the things that lay ahead. All who belong to the Lord will be kept safe during those times, but many will have to forfeit their lives for their faith. – Leo Roosipuu


Februaery 16, 2011––Very fearful days are approaching fast. All that the prophet Daniel speaks of the End Times will be here shortly. The Lord will guide all His true followers through this time. Many will have to give their lives for their faith. – Leo Roosipuu